Our fees are so low that virtually anyone can use The Job Factory.

Clients usually fall into the following categories.

Unsuccessful job seekers – these are people who have been looking for a job for weeks – often months – and have been unable to find one. We have been able to find many of these people jobs within days.

Lazy people – Many of our clients simply cannot be bothered looking for a job. Just as you might hire someone to iron your clothes, or wash your car, you can get us to try to find you a job.

Smart people – We can contact hundreds – or thousands – of employers within minutes as part of your job search. It is virtually impossible for job seekers to get to the same number of employers we can reach in such a timely and cost-effective way. Smart job seekers know this is possibly the fastest way to find a job.

Recently retrenched workers – Workers who have been employed for a long time can suddenly find themselves without a job and often have no idea about how to go about getting a new one. Chances are they don’t even have a resume. We can have a resume written and be approaching potential employers within a day of them losing their jobs. There is no need to stress.

University/college graduates – Graduates who know that they are at a disadvantage when competing with experienced workers. They usually have very little experience as well as a lot of competition from other graduates. But graduates are cheap people to employ and are enthusiastic workers, so they are always in demand.

Career builders – These are people who are already employed, but simply want a change or are looking to advance their career.