The Job Factory offers a truly reasonable price for incredibly effective results.
$160 upfront gets your application sent to up to hundreds of potential employers.
Resume and cover letter for $140 ($75 for cover letter only):
- We proofread and fix your resume so that the English language, spelling and grammar are perfect
- Fix or write a tailored cover letter so you have much better odds of being considered for a job
EXPRESS (24 hours) Resume and cover letter for $240:
- We proofread and fix your resume so that the English language, spelling and grammar are perfect
- Fix or write a tailored cover letter so you have much better odds of being considered for a job
Interview training for $100:
- We offer interview training that works. Learn how to ace your interview and get the pay you deserve.
- The most effective way to answer vital questions
- How to give yourself an edge
- And much more
If after seven days you do not have a job, we can re-send your application to employers a second time for only $60. We can actually send it as many times as you like for $65 each time. We can also provide additional lists of potential employers if you would like to boost the number of companies we send your resume to.
How to pay
We know that every day you remain unemployed you are losing money, so our aim is to find jobs for clients as quickly as possible by skipping them to the front of the queue.
Keep in mind that we do not have any relationship or any contact with any employers ever. Our aim is to work for you to try to find you a vacancy that has not been advertised to maximise your chances of getting a job. We put our clients first, unlike job agencies. It is also important to note that we do not guarantee that clients will get a job by using our services.
If you wish to enlist our services, then our bank account details are as follows
The Job Factory Group Pty Ltd
ANZ Bank
Account: 06-0730-0322300-00
Simply transfer the money and email us ( ) the details of the transfer along with your resume and cover letter.
The final step is to download WeChat or WhatsApp on your phone to make communicating with us easier and faster. Our WeChat ID is THEJOBFACTORY Our WhatsApp number is +61 0433114847. Please note that we charge an $20 if you are unable to use one of these apps because this will add extra time to your job search process.
During your initial consultation we will have discussed with you how many employers we are going to provide you to send your resume to. Some clients prefer to approach even more potential employers to (a) increase their chances of getting a job offer and (b) to increase the chances of getting two job offers so that they can pick the highest paying job.
In some instances we can provide extra employer lists. The price is $65 per list or 3 extra lists for $130.
1. Send us a copy of your resume and your cover letter, if you have one.
If you have paid to have your resume and cover letter fixed then we will prepare these documents and return them to you within the agreed time (usually 24-48 hours) so that you can check them.
The cover letter will be in perfect English and will explain the job you want and any other requirements you have such as full-time, casual or weekend shifts.
2. Provide us with details of the type of job you are seeking. Please try to keep the job/s you are willing to do as broad as possible. For example it is easier to get a job if we say that you are seeking bookkeeping or administration role – two job types means double the chance.
3. Upon receipt of your payment, we will send you a list of potential employers for you to edit. You will need to delete the employers that are too far from your home and send the list back to us.
Once all of these things are complete we will deliver your resume and details to the employers you have selected.
Keep in mind that if you do not get a job, or promising lead, within a few days of us sending out your resume then we can try again. The cost of sending your resume to the same employers – or a different list of employers – to continue your job search is $65.
Contact Craig anytime on +64 9889 1202 or WhatsApp +61 0433 11 4848 or WeChat (TheJobFactory) if you have any queries.